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bibliographic processing

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bibliographic database — For computer programs to manage an individual s bibliographic references, see Reference management software A bibliographic database is a database of bibliographic records, an organized digital collection of references to published literature,… …   Wikipedia

  • information processing — Acquisition, recording, organization, retrieval, display, and dissemination of information. Today the term usually refers to computer based operations. Information processing consists of locating and capturing information, using software to… …   Universalium

  • fruit processing — Introduction       preparation of fruit for human consumption.  Fruit is sometimes defined as the product of growth from an angiosperm, or flowering plant. From a purely botanical point of view, the fruit may be only the fleshy growth that arises …   Universalium

  • Библиографическая обработка — совокупность процессов формирования библиографической записи документа для представления его в библиотечных каталогах, библиографических указателях, списках и картотеках. В состав библиографической обработки входят: составление библиографического …   Финансовый словарь

  • библиографическая обработка — Совокупность процессов формирования библиографической записи документа для представления его в библиотечных каталогах, библиографических указателях, списках и картотеках. Примечание В состав библиографической обработки входят составление… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • библиографическая обработка — Rus: библиографическая обработка Eng: bibliographic processing Fra: traitement bibliographigue Совокупность процессов формирования библиографической записи документа для представления его в библиотечных каталогах, библиографических указателях,… …   Словарь по информации, библиотечному и издательскому делу

  • bibliography — bibliographic /bib lee euh graf ik/, bibliographical, adj. bibliographically, adv. /bib lee og reuh fee/, n., pl. bibliographies. 1. a complete or selective list of works compiled upon some common principle, as authorship, subject, place of… …   Universalium

  • Henriette Avram — Henriette Davidson Avram (October 7 1919 April 22 2006) was a computer programmer and systems analyst who developed the MARC format (Machine Readable Cataloging), which is the national and international data standard for bibliographic and… …   Wikipedia

  • library — /luy brer ee, breuh ree, bree/, n., pl. libraries. 1. a place set apart to contain books, periodicals, and other material for reading, viewing, listening, study, or reference, as a room, set of rooms, or building where books may be read or… …   Universalium

  • Universal Standard Book Code — The increased use of computers in handling bibliographic data and the accumulation of large numbers of items, running into millions, will mean less and less involvement of the human element in the various processes such as manual key allocation… …   Wikipedia

  • CSA (database company) — CSA Illumina (formerly Cambridge Scientific Abstracts) is a provider of online databases, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[1] It is now a division of ProQuest, which in turn is now a subsidiary of the Cambridge Information Group.[2] The company… …   Wikipedia

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